Sunday 26 May 2013

This week only, half price packages!

This week only I am offering half price packages to celebrate being a doula and how much I love the impact it has on women and birthing.
Over on my facebook page we are having a week long discussion about why to hire a doula please pop on over and have a look -
Also don't forget to email me this week to book in your half price package! My email address is

Happy Birthing xx

Thursday 2 May 2013

Fundraising for a cold cot

I am very excited to announce we have received a certificate of appreciation from Little Miss Moodie Designs  for our participation in the auction they held alongside LAMB (Little Angels Memory Boxes) to raise money for a cold cot, which is a very valuable piece of equipment for those who have lost a baby and I wish we had the chance to have used one, for more info please read this:

I am so proud that we have been involved in this and will continue to raise funds and spread awareness for parents like me who have lost a baby.