A Rainbow Doula are launching a playgroup, I say playgroup its more of a meet up. It will be in a social setting such as fun bugs where kids can go off and play but are safe at the same time and mums and dads can get to know each other.
When I first became a parent I found it extremely lonely, I had my children younger than my friends, they were still busy partying and I was home with a baby. As the years went on I had more children, started studying and then set up A Rainbow Doula and being self employed you don't have any colleagues to mingle with.
Working with pregnant parents this is often a concern and often something postpartum parents bring up too. I know I need to push myself back into the social circles and from feedback I've received it seems it will help many others too.
School holidays can be hectic which is why I've picked somewhere child friendly to encourage getting out of the house and even when the kids are back at school and you don't have little ones you're more than welcome to come along and get to know the adults, you ever know how many have children the same age.
I strongly believe adults need interaction with other adults, there's only so many days we can stay cooped up singing the wiggles, am I right?! I'm planning on also having adult only events where we can go to the movies, have some drinks, let our hair down. There will also be family meal nights where we go out for dinner, venues will be child friendly.
Our first playgroup session will be Tuesday 24th January at 2pm
We will be at fun bugs and everyone is welcome you don't ever have to have been a client of A Rainbow Doula
I look forward to meeting you!