The chances are you're looking at this because you or someone close to you are pregnant, congratulations! Bringing a new baby into the world also brings many emotions. Lots of decisions, to breastfeed or formula feed? Circumcise or not? Let me help you make one decision.
A common reason people opt for the hospital run childbirth education classes is the cost difference. On average private hospitals classes are $200 a little cheaper if you are booked to birth there too, public hospitals are cheaper again, some even free of charge or very minimal cost. So why pay more? A childbirth educator depends on classes to put food on the table (many also have additional qualifications like as a birth doula and/or breastfeeding counsellor or more), an independent educator depends on a great class, she needs that word of mouth to survive. Birthing is her passion.
Hospital based childbirth education classes are ran by midwives many of whom don't want to do the childbirth education classes (it is often referred to as the short straw amongst my midwife friends)
Hospital based childbirth education classes can be vague compared to independent classes. Hospital classes tend to be biased towards medical interventions and medicated pain relief as opposed to natural methods. I recently heard from a birth client who attended her local hospitals childbirth education classes wanting to learn more about breathing during labour only to be told due to hospital policy they were no longer allowed to teach this. To me this is absurd, breathing can have a very powerful effect on labour. Many have also stated that hospital run classes are overwhelming as many go for 5-6 hours at a time over 3 sessions, independent classes tend to be 2-3 hours over 5-6 sessions.
Many independent childbirth educators also offer private or couples sessions, many can even set up additional group classes depending on demand, hospital times and dates are firm.
I briefly mentioned this before but I want elaborate here. Hospital information revolves around policies and restrictions. Time frames and let's be honest scare tactics. Extremely rarely will you find a hospital based childbirth education class willing to discuss homebirth.
Hospitals focus so much on what they know and that is medicine, the information and DVDs even the pamphlets handed out are about epidurals and cesarean sections. Birth is natural, as medicine has progressed we have made birth a medical process rather than a natural one. Some parents choose to go down that path and that is absolutely fine, it's your birth, it's your choice. Hospital run classes leave us feeling like our choices are restricted or don't provide the information to allow us to learn about natural methods.
This is only a snippet about the benefits of an independent run class. As a trainee childbirth educator I do not feel I can provide all the information just yet only what I have learnt and experienced so far.
Not many people are even aware that there are independent educators out there, it's time to spread the word! Everybody deserves a better birth.