Thursday, 25 July 2013

BIG things are happening at A Rainbow Doula HQ!

Due to our current cleaner closing her business we have been searching for a new cleaning service and I *think* fingers crossed I have found the right service for us.
I MAY also be adding gardening services to our packages to help out that little bit extra ass my father in law is a qualified gardener but I do have to discuss this with him further.

Our breastfeeding information session is happening soon (August 3rd) for more info please email me this is for any first time mums, mums who have had breastfeeding issues in the past, people just wanting more information, just anyone wanting to know more about breastfeeding, how I can help etc.

Things have just been busy around here! 2 new birth clients, 2 new postnatal clients, my daughter had surgery this week, preparing for my breastfeeding info session, studying plus juggling my own 4 kids