Sunday, 17 November 2013

Why Placenta Encapsulation is becoming so popular

Gone are the days where you have to eat a raw placenta or placenta pie to gain the benefits this wonderful organ offers, unless of course that is what you want to do, the raw placenta has much stronger benefits than anything, although everything I do I make sure the temperature is as low as possible to not kill many of the nutrients. 

What benefits does Placenta Encapsulation have?
~ reduced postpartum bleeding
~ increased energy
~ hormones rebalanced
~ increase in milk supply
~ uterus returns quicker to pre pregnancy state
~ reduces postpartum pain and discomfort
~ reduces risks of postpartum depression

These are just some of the wonderful things the placenta does after the birth of a child.

What is the difference between the raw method and the TCM method?
Traditional Chinese Medicine Method - The oldest method there is and also the most commonly used. The process of labour is considered Yin which means cold, it is believed the process of labour and birth leaves a lot of open, empty space. This process is Yang which means warm because of the spices, herbs and steaming involved in the encapsulation process. By adding this warm energy it is thought to aid postpartum healing further and for longer since some believe that since the raw method is considered cold it isn't suitable for longer term use (when period return, menopause etc)
We use ingredients such as lemongrass (or lemon when this is not available), ginger and peppers to add warm energy then steam the placenta, the steamed placenta is then dehydrated, ground and placed into capsules, the result is an energetically balanced placenta remedy that is nourishing, warming and tonifying.
Raw Method - This method is based on the more modern beliefs that heat destroys vital enzymes. When using this method I do not go above 50°C as many believe that the heat would kill lots of nutrients and the hormones we are trying to add back to the body. The placenta is then sliced and dehydrated (after being washed and vessels and membranes removed) then ground and put in capsules.

How would you like the placenta to be ground?
I can also do two different methods for this depending on your beliefs. Most commonly I use an electric grinder, however some people believe that this can add a bad energy to the pills a metal, frantic or anxious energy so to avoid this for those clients a mortar and pestle is used.

What is a tincture?
Placenta Tincture is made from a piece of the mother’s own raw placenta after birth, steeping in alcohol making a strong remedy over 6 weeks. It is said that placenta tincture is used for emotional, mental and psychological instability and may also be very beneficial for treating PMS and menopause. - IPEN

What is placenta balm??
Encapsulated placenta has many benefits including topical use. A placenta capsule can be opened and mixed with a natural oil to be applied directly to the skin. It is great for nappy/diaper rash, eczema, dry skin, bruises and many other skin problems. As with placenta capsule ingestion, placenta should not be used topically on any virus or bacterial infections. - Placenta Peace

How long does it take?
The absolute latest you will have your placenta capsules will be the 3rd day postpartum though I aim to have them back by the 2nd day, it is important I am notified as soon as possible after the birth so I can pick it up and return it sooner.

See our fees for Placenta Encapsulation

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Breastfeeding a premature baby

I've just started volunteering my time to an amazing Facebook page and have been writing articles for them so I thought why not share them here too. If you'd like to join the Facebook page you can find it here - Bumps, Boobs & Beyond

We always picture our pregnancy going to 40 weeks but what happens when you deliver at 25 weeks, 35 weeks or any other earlier than expected gestation, can you still breastfeed?
Yes you can! Not directly at first as many prems have what is called a Nasal Gastric Tube which is inserted  into the nose or mouth and your pumped colostrum and then breastmilk is fed via this tube until baby is stable enough and strong enough to learn to suck.
I read a lot of articles about breastfeeding prems written by people who have never had prems and some of the information is so incorrect that many parents maybe misinformed.

Feeding my son expressed breastmilk through his NGT

The photos in this post are of my own children and our experiences with breastfeeding premature babies. Above my son is being fed my expressed milk via his NGT.
Normally with a term baby you would hold off on expressing and pumping to let baby establish your supply for you, here you can't so it is important to start expressing as soon as you can, a nurse will usually help you hand express into a syringe and take the colostrum to your baby or babies.
Having to pump can often leave you feel very deflated (I know that's how I felt!) you're using this machine to feed your baby not holding them and nursing them as you had always pictured, not to mention constantly looking at how many oz or ml your are pumping and worrying about that. Many women myself included found it hard at first to establish a relationship with the pump and struggled with my letdown. Ways of overcoming this are:
 Pumping with a photo of your baby or whilst touching your baby
 If baby is able to wear clothes holding and smelling some he/she has worn
 Closing your eyes, forgetting the pump and imagining your baby feeding from your breast
 Nipple stimulation before pumping
 Hand express to get your milk flowing first (some women respond to human touch better than a pump)
Massage your breasts with your hand as you pump

My premature son (twin A) on CPAP to help him breathe. An example of a NGT inserted via the mouth instead of nose

It is never easy leaving the hospital without your babies, I have left without 4 so far and no matter the circumstance neither was easier than the other.
I strongly recommend finding a good hospital grade breastpump (I found the double electric by Medela amazing), many places hire out breastpumps so you don't have to worry about spending hundreds on a pump that doesn't suit you,  spend the time to find one that does work for you.
Many lactation consultants will recommend pumping every 2 hours  including overnight (overnight can be spaced out to 3-4 hours if you wish) whilst you are in NICU or until your milk is established for 20 minutes at a time to a) establish your supply and b) build a good stockpile for your baby.

Kangaroo Care
If baby is stable enough for Kangaroo Care this is something that is beneficial to you, your milk supply and your baby. Kangaroo care is where your baby is undressed down to his/her diaper and placed on your bare chest with a blanket over the baby to keep them warm. It is great for bonding and has also been proven to help babies breathe better independently, gain weight and regulate temperatures better. Having this skin to skin contact will also be great for increasing milk supply because of the hormones released as you hold your baby.

Breastfeeding a prem baby is no easy road, babies do not even have a suck reflex until around 32 weeks and many will be fed via a NGT for quite some time before you can even attempt breastfeeding but when you do attempt it for the first time and baby latches you will have the most overwhelming sense of joy fill your whole body.

One of our first breastfeeds in Special Care Nursery
The main thing is to relax! Nobody plans a prem baby but it does happen and that does not mean you cannot breastfeed. With support and determination you can give your baby the best start to life possible.
Before long you will be counting how many suck feeds per 24 hours and shortly after that counting how many days you haven't had to use the nasal gastric tube.
One thing to make note of with a premature baby is that they are very sleepy babies which can also make breastfeeding harder but again not impossible baby will eventually become more awake and willing to feed.
Having 3 premature babies myself and still here to tell the tale and share my premature twins breastfeeding photos is amazing and proof it can be done, these boys were on ventilators and at one point Twin A was on life support yet when we left the hospital as a family we were fully breastfed and loving it!
If you have any questions please do ask me. We will have more posts coming about premature babies and feeding and care so your questions will help me know what you want to know.

Our first 24 hours with no feeds from the NGT just breast

Monday, 7 October 2013

The working mother and pumping for baby - your questions answered

Recently I have become an admin for a breastfeeding and parenting help page on Facebook to further extend my skills and help those in need find the page here
One of the questions that comes up the most is how a mum is going to cope when she goes back to work, also how much is so supposed to pump, how to pump and so on, so here are a few helpful hints for those going back to work.

It's not an easy decision to leave your young, breastfed (or bottlefed) baby and head back to the workforce but a mortgage/rent, bills and reality often forces us back well before we would like to.


A lot of mothers (myself included once upon a time) worry when they first leave their baby, will he or she have enough milk? What if the sitter runs out? Should I buy formula just in case?
Here is a simple way to calculate how much milk you need to pump (some babies will drink more or less than this, it won't take long to work out your individual baby and his/her needs)
Lets say your baby feeds 9 times per day divide that by 740ml or 25oz (depending which you go by)
740/9 = 82.22ml or 25/8 = 3.13oz
So baby will need approx 80ml or 3oz per feed whilst you are away
This is based on babies 1-6 months old some babies 6 months old can drink 100mls per feed though so it is about getting to know your baby.

Based on the above calculations lets say 7 of the 9 feeds are during the day to make sure you have enough stashed if you have to work over or are running late so can't breastfeed in the morning.
80ml x 7 = 560ml or 21oz is needed for the day.

To get an idea on how much your baby needs via another method visit this hand Milk Calculator which uses your babies weight and how often they feed.

Another common and perfectly valid question there are so many different pumps and sometimes our budget is tight which is why we must return to work so that effects our choices too but we need something that will still work the best for our body.
Even though budgets are tight consider this for a moment, even the top of the market pumps are cheaper than formula feeding for a year.

What do you need to look for?
Pump cycles - A baby sucks roughly 45-55 times per minute so for a pump to be really effective you need are the same pump cycles, something considerably lower isn't going to be that good at expressing milk and will leave you feeling stressed and deflated.
Single or double? A single pump will only pump one breast at a time, not a fast pumping option more suited to a mum only occasionally pumping
Double well now you get another option - Double alternating or double simultaneous - a double alternating will pump as the opposite breast releases, a double simultaneous pump pumps and releases the breasts at the same time, this is the most effective pump and will give you a better output and cut your pumping time in half.
Comfort - Not many mums know that the shield that come with your pump are a one size fits most however you can buy different sizes having a shield too small or too large for your breasts and/or nipple can severely effect how well you can pump
Noise level - if you plan to pump at work who wants a really loud pump?  It can also be a distraction effecting how well you can relax during pumping which will in turn effect your supply
There are a few other things that you may have to consider but these are the most important things when making your decision.

If you want to try before you buy and have a little time to choose the right pump for you there are lots of places that hire breast pumps out - we are one of those - A Rainbow Doula Pump Hire 

WILL BABY GET NIPPLE CONFUSION OR START REFUSING THE BREAST?Nipple confusion will generally only happen if baby is going back and forth from the breast to bottle at a very young age and may not happen at all. Nipple confusion generally happens because the milk from a bottle flows faster and easier and baby then doesn't want to work to get his/her milk as they do from the breast.
Medela came out with these great bottles called calma bottles where baby has to suck as they would at the breast to get any milk which are a great idea if you are worried about nipple confusion.
When a baby refuses the breast we refer to this as a nursing strike at some point all mothers working or stay at home will experience this, it lasts a few days and this is where frustrated, tired mums fall into the bottle/formula trap, don't give up your baby will come back to the breast if you presist.
Offer baby the breast as much as possible but do not force baby to the breast.
Spend lots of time topless with your baby topless, the skin to skin will do wonders for you both.

Ideally, yes. To maintain a supply and not have such a big pumping job to do once you finish work to make sure you have tomorrows supply ready it is a good idea to be able to pump at work. This is where your double pump comes in handy, especially if you've gotten your hands on one that is battery operated as well as power unless you are lucky enough to have private access to a power point. All you'll need is 15 minutes to pump, if you're lucky enough to get 2 breaks take the opportunity to pump at both of these (I have eaten many lunches and pumped at the same time!)
Just think if you can manage to pump twice what a relief it will be to know there is about 400ml of your babies milk for tomorrow already pumped when you walk in the door at home. If you're lucky and respond well to pumps as I was fortunate enough to you can fill a 200ml bottle from each breast at each session. Even if you only get the chance to pump once thats still milk you dont have to worry about tomorrow no matter how much or how little you get.
Will your boss let you pump at work? In most places (all states in Australia and the majority in the US plus many other countries) it is illegal for a boss to not allow you a break to express in Australia this comes  under the  federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984 it is illegal in Australia to discriminate against a person either directly or indirectly on the grounds of breastfeeding

Monday, 9 September 2013

Placenta Encapsulation


By encapsulating your placenta you are opening your body up to a world full of goodness.
Women who have consumed their placentas have:
Reduced postnatal  bleeding
Increased energy levels
Increased milk supply
Reduced chance of postnatal depression
Reduced baby blues experiences
Increased iron levels
Help balancing hormones
Plus many more benefits

WHO CAN ENCAPSULATE A PLACENTA?Technically anybody can encapsulate a placenta but some people like myself have had or are doing special training and are called Placenta Encapsulation Specialists, usually these people (like myself) also team this course up with a food handlers certificate and a bloodborne pathogens certificate.
By having the proper training I feel more confident in encapsulating knowing I have been trained to do so properly as so many things can go wrong from just watching a YouTube video.

WHEN DOES PLACENTA ENCAPSULATION HAPPEN?Ideally the placenta is received within 24 hours and then the encapsulation process will take another 24 hours, if the placenta has been frozen the process will take a little longer. I aim to have placentas that I have been delivered or have picked up within 24 hours of birth back to the client by postpartum day 3 as around day 4-5 you will most likely feel your worst.

Friday, 16 August 2013

It is A Rainbow Doula's 1st BIRTHDAY!

That's right it has been a whole year since I had the CRAZY idea to study 4 courses at once with 4 children, 3 of which are home most of the time!
But it has been fantastic, I have learnt so so much, more than I ever imagined and what I thought was impossible has happened, my love for pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding has grown even more.

To celebrate not only my own accomplishments but the success of A Rainbow Doula since opening the doors to study and business a year ago (We now have 7 clients and regular breastfeeding and childbirth education classes, which may not seem like much but in a year with 4 children and studying I am very proud!) I am offering HALF PRICE PACKAGES for a whole month.
From August 16th to September 16th this is how I will be charging clients (this is for all clients who agree to our contract and pay a 20% deposit before September 16th otherwise you will be charged the full price)

The prices of these packages are crazy! For example look at this one if you hire me to do these:
Full Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Rainbow Deluxe Package + Breastfeeding Classes - Usually - $3196 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $1598
Separately this is how it would look:
Full Birth Package - $1400
Childbirth Education Course - $240
Rainbow Deluxe Package - $2000
Breastfeeding Classes - $120
Totalling: $3760 you are saving a massive $2162 by taking advantage of this super birthday celebration. Another way of putting it is you are paying $1400 for the Full Birth Package selected then only an additional $198 for the childbirth education, postnatal care and breastfeeding classes - WOW!

✿˙·Ù •●♥ Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ· ♥●✿      BIRTH DOULA      ✿●♥ Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ· ♥●•Ù ·˙✿

The Standard Birth Package: Was - $850 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH  - $425
​ • 3 pre-natal visits which can include hospital visits;
• early labour, birth and post-birth support;
• 2 post-natal visits;
• access to our library of DVDs, books and informative pamphlets;
• 24-hour email support and phone support during selected hours;
• a gift basket.
Initial consultation is a free meeting between myself, the expectant mother and any other birth support people to get to know each other and develop an idea of your needs and wants for the pregnancy and birth.
Pre-natal visits 3 Meetings with you and your partner to discuss your thoughts and feelings, to also offer support, guidance, reassurance and information to help you make decisions about your birth. I will also answer any questions you may have and accompany you to appointments to meet the midwife or birth team and discuss the birthing day plans with them and also answer any last minute questions. I can also help you to write your birth plan if you wish.
Birth Early labour support in your home or birthplace of choice. I will be on call 2 weeks either side of your due date and able to attend from early labour or can arrive in established labour if preferred, I will also stay after the birth until the new mum and baby are comfortable and settled.
Post-natal visits The first will be around day 3 or 4. I like to visit around this time to make sure mum and baby are settling in well and to offer my support with breastfeeding if required as I am also a breastfeeding counsellor. I can also answer any questions you may have at this time.
Our second visit is usually around day 10 and we will discuss any ongoing care you feel you may require  (please see post-natal package - a discount available for birth doula clients)We will also do a birth debrief at this visit.

The Full Birth Package ​​Was - $1400 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $700
​​​• 6–8 pre-natal visits. These can include attending hospital appointments and/or other health-care appointments as necessary;
• 2 pregnancy massages or other relaxation session or belly casting;
• labour, birth and post-birth support;
• 4 post-natal visits;
• access to our library;
• 24-hour email and phone support;
• a gift basket.
• cleaning package so your home is ready for baby to come home
Initial consultation is a free meeting between myself, the expectant mother and any other birth support people to get to know each other and develop an idea of your needs and wants for the pregnancy and birth.
Pre-natal visits these remain flexible and are generally used to discuss with mum and the birth team her wishes and plans for the birth, to use the 2 massage/relaxation sessions, go over any questions you may have and revisit these as many times as needed. I also like to go over techniques for relaxation to assist in reducing anxiety and fears and make the childbirth a calm and empowering experience.
Birth Early labour support in your home or birthplace of choice. I will be on call 2 weeks either side of your due date and able to attend from early labour or can arrive in established labour if preferred, I will also stay after the birth until the new mum and baby are comfortable and settled.
Post-natal visits The first will be around day 3 or 4. I like to visit around this time to make sure mum and baby are settling in well and to offer my support with breastfeeding if required as I am also a breastfeeding counsellor. I can also answer any questions you may have at this time.
Our second visit is usually around day 10 and we will discuss any concerns you have and have a chat about how you feel you are coping. We will also do a birth debrief at this visit.
Our 3rd and 4th visits we will discuss any further care you think you may need (please see you post-birth doula packages)and I will offer support as you transition into parenthood and help any older siblings fit into the new role in the family.

It's Multiples! Package
 As a mum of twins I absolutely LOVE working with those fortunate enough to experience the blessing of multiples, as you need more care and assistance I have created a special package just for you. If you have any fears, worries or anything please contact me as I have been there! This package is also available to those who have to have a c-section as all our packages are
​​Was - $1900 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $950
​​​• 8-10 pre-natal visits. These can include attending hospital appointments and/or other health-care appointments as necessary;
• 2 pregnancy massages or other relaxation session or belly casting;
• labour, birth and post-birth support;
• 6 post-natal visits;
• access to our library;
• 24-hour email and phone support;
• a gift basket for the parents and one for each baby.
• help with adjusting to life in NICU/SCN and preparation for this if babies come early which I have personal experience in also
• cleaning package so your home is ready for mum to come home and another when babies are ready to come home
• meals for dad whilst mum and babies are in hospital • freezer meals ready for when babies come home so parents can cook quickly and stress free (hospitals do provide meals to parents with babies in NICU/SCN)
Initial consultation is a free meeting between myself, the expectant mother and any other birth support people to get to know each other and develop an idea of your needs and wants for the pregnancy and birth.
Pre-natal visits these remain flexible and are generally used to discuss with mum and the birth team her wishes and plans for the birth, to use the 2 massage/relaxation sessions, go over any questions you may have and revisit these as many times as needed. I also like to go over techniques for relaxation to assist in reducing anxiety and fears and make the childbirth a calm and empowering experience
Birth Early labour support in your home or birthplace of choice. I will be on call from 6 weeks before your due date and able to attend from early labour or can arrive in established labour if preferred, I will also stay after the birth until the new mum and babies are comfortable and settled.
Post-natal visits The first will be around day 3 or 4. I like to visit around this time to make sure mum and babies are adjusting well and to offer my support with breastfeeding if required as I am also a breastfeeding counsellor. I can also answer any questions you may have at this time.
Our second visit is usually around day 10 and we will discuss any concerns you have and have a chat about how you feel you are coping as I know how hard it is watching a baby in NICU and SCN. We will also do a birth debrief at this visit.
Our remaining visits we will discuss any further care you think you may need (please see you post-birth doula packages)and I will offer support as you transition into parenthood and help any older siblings fit into the new role in the family.
Custom Doula Package Want something a little different? Decided you want a doula at the last minute? Tight budget? This package is perfect we can build it together ad work out something perfect for you, prices are variable depending on how much goes into the package
✿˙·Ù •●♥ Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ· ♥●✿      POSTNATAL DOULA        ✿●♥ Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ· ♥●•Ù ·˙✿

This includes 4 hours of Post Natal Doula help. I can help with baby, siblings, cooking, cleaning, errands, feeding support, taking over whilst mum has a nap or a shower or any other tasks I am needed for.
I am also there to answer any questions the parents may have or go over any concerns.
You will have access to my library with many parenting and feeding books.
You will receive a special gift.
If you would like to know more about what a Post Partum doula does please contact me.

This includes 10 hours of Post Natal Doula help as described above PLUS 2 x newborn cleaning packages from which gives you:
-clean/sterilize bottles and/or breast pumps
-prepare fresh bottles
-prepare and store fresh baby foods suitable from 4months to 1yr
You will also get 3 meals provided all will be healthy and made to your dietary requirements and tastes

This includes 10 hours of Post Natal Doula work as described above PLUS 2 x newborn cleaning packages which gives you:
-clean/sterilize bottles and/or breast pumps
-prepare fresh bottles
-prepare and store fresh baby foods suitable from 4months to 1yr
1 x fridge clean out ready for when you all arrive home
2 x Sparkle cleaning packages which include (all products used are chemical free):
-kitchen and bathroom benches
You can choose to use these all in a week or over a fortnight or even over a month.
I will also cook you 5 healthy meals for you family which can be frozen for a later date they will all meet you dietary requirements and suit your personal tastes.
You also get a gift basket
Included is 15 hours of Post Natal Doula work as described above PLUS 2 x newborn cleaning packages which gives you:
-clean/sterilize bottles and/or breast pumps
-prepare fresh bottles
-prepare and store fresh baby foods suitable from 4months to 1yr
1 x fridge clean out ready for when you all arrive home
2 x Sparkle cleaning packages which includes:
-kitchen and bathroom benches
2 x Laundry cleaning packages which includes:
-changing bed sheets
-drying/hanging out
(max of 3 loads per package)
You can choose to use these all in a week or over a fortnight or even over a month.
$100 gift voucher to use as you please with a local cleaning company
I will also cook you a whole weeks worth of healthy meals for you family which can be frozen for a later date they will all meet you dietary requirements and suit your personal tastes.
A gift basket
Moby Wrap for babywearing, a great way to bond and carry baby hands free!
Birth or Newborn album (I will need photos/USB/SD card provided) can include up to 20 photos
A batch of homemade lactation cookies which are great for boosting milk supplies and just taste great if you aren't breastfeeding!
IT'S MUTLIPLES! PACKAGE Was $2600 for twins and $75 extra per additional baby UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH $1300 FOR TWINS AND $37.50 PER ADDITIONAL BABY
Included is 20 hours of postnatal care as described above
24/7 email AND phone support
Visits to NICU/SCN to offer support, watch babies whilst you shower or take a break from the hospital environment
Go for a coffee or lunch to debrief and talk
Entertainment pack for siblings
I can take siblings for a walk or play with them whilst you attend to the babies or doctors
Feed pets at home
Bring clean clothes to the hospital
You can hire a breastpump from me as I remember how hard it was to get hold of them at the hospital when my twins where in SCN and ICU (reduced rate for doula clients)
$300 gift voucher to use with a local cleaning company
Unlimited use whilst a client of A Rainbow Doula's library
1 x kangaroo care singlet
1 x baby carrier per baby born
14 x healthy meals that are able to be frozen
Baby album which can include pregnancy, birth and beyond handmade and specially decorated
1 x gift for the new parents and a gift basket per baby
I will also assist in any feeding needs as my premmie twins struggled to breastfeed due to being early so I am happy to help in any way that I can to achieve your goal and overcome any hurdles
With all this being said it is quite possible your babies will be full term and go home with you in which case I will change the NICU/SCN visits and add 5 extra hours of in home help

Please contact me and we can build a package together to suit your needs and budget
✿˙·Ù •●♥ Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ· ♥●✿         BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT        ✿●♥ Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ· ♥●•Ù ·˙✿
My fee is reduced until 16th September and is now $70 for our initial consultation which is usually 1.5-2 hours long and then $37.50 per hour for the duration of your support

These fees are even further reduced if you are have more than one of my services, please see below.

The Standard Birth Package + Congratulations Package - Usually $900  UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH  - $450
The Standard Birth Package + Welcome Baby Package - Usually $1084 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH -  $542
The Standard Birth Package + Babymoon Package - Usually $1378 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH  - $689
The Standard Birth Package + Rainbow Deluxe Package - Usually $2708 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16th  - $1354

Full Birth Package + Congratulations Package - Usually -  $1424 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $712
Full Birth Package + Welcome Baby Package - Usually -  $1606 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH  - $803Full Birth Package + Babymoon Package - Usually - $1900 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH  - $950Full Birth Package + Rainbow Deluxe Package - Usually -  $3230 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH $1615

It's Multiples Birth Package + It's Multiples Postnatal Package - Usually - $3825 (plus $50 per additional baby) UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH $1913 plus $25 per additional baby

The Standard Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Congratulations Package - Usually - $1070 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH -  $535The Standard Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Welcome Baby Package - Usually - $1242 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH  - $621The Standard Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Babymoon Package - Usually -  $1522 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $761
The Standard Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Rainbow Deluxe Package - Usually - $2016 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $1008

Full Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Congratulations Package - Usually - $1564 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16th - $782Full Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Welcome Baby Package - Usually - $1738 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $869
Full Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Babymoon Package - Usually - $2016 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $1008
Full Birth Package + Childbirth Edcuation Course + Rainbow Deluxe Package - Usually - $3276 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $1638

It's Multiples Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + It's Multiples Postnatal Package - Usually $3792 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $1896

The Standard Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Congratulations Package + Breastfeeding Classes - Usually - $1112 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $556
The Standard Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Welcome Baby Package + Breastfeeding Classes - Usually - $1276 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $638
The Standard Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Babymoon Package + Breastfeeding Classes - Usually - $1538 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $769
The Standard Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Rainbow Deluxe Package + Breastfeeding Classes - Usually - $2728 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $1364
Full Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Congratulations Package + Breastfeeding Classes - Usually - $1580 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $790
Full Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Welcome Baby Package + Breastfeeding Classes - Usually - $1742 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $871
Full Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Babymoon Package + Breastfeeding Classes - Usually $2006 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $1003
Full Birth Package + Childbirth Education Course + Rainbow Deluxe Package + Breastfeeding Classes - Usually - $3196 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $1598

It's Multiples Birth Package + Childbirth Education Classes + It's Multiples Postnatal Package + Breastfeeding Classes - Usually $3888 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16TH - $1944

The breastfeeding classes ARE NOT the same as the breastfeeding counselling I offer, if you hire me for 2 or more packages my breastfeeding counselling is free for the first 6 months.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

BIG things are happening at A Rainbow Doula HQ!

Due to our current cleaner closing her business we have been searching for a new cleaning service and I *think* fingers crossed I have found the right service for us.
I MAY also be adding gardening services to our packages to help out that little bit extra ass my father in law is a qualified gardener but I do have to discuss this with him further.

Our breastfeeding information session is happening soon (August 3rd) for more info please email me this is for any first time mums, mums who have had breastfeeding issues in the past, people just wanting more information, just anyone wanting to know more about breastfeeding, how I can help etc.

Things have just been busy around here! 2 new birth clients, 2 new postnatal clients, my daughter had surgery this week, preparing for my breastfeeding info session, studying plus juggling my own 4 kids

Sunday, 26 May 2013

This week only, half price packages!

This week only I am offering half price packages to celebrate being a doula and how much I love the impact it has on women and birthing.
Over on my facebook page we are having a week long discussion about why to hire a doula please pop on over and have a look -
Also don't forget to email me this week to book in your half price package! My email address is

Happy Birthing xx

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Fundraising for a cold cot

I am very excited to announce we have received a certificate of appreciation from Little Miss Moodie Designs  for our participation in the auction they held alongside LAMB (Little Angels Memory Boxes) to raise money for a cold cot, which is a very valuable piece of equipment for those who have lost a baby and I wish we had the chance to have used one, for more info please read this:

I am so proud that we have been involved in this and will continue to raise funds and spread awareness for parents like me who have lost a baby.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Breastpump Hire


As my business grows so will the range of things I can offer people, I will soon be hiring out breastpumps for those wanting to collect from Ballarat, VIC.
I will have a range of pumps (eventually since I have to buy them and support my own family!) this is what I plan on having, if you have used/experienced a great pump please let me know so I can research it more, the ones on this list I have used personally. I have preferred some to the others but they all do the same job but for me personally you can't go past a double electric (maybe because I had twins but I loved it!)

The Medela Freestyle Breast Pump is the world’s smallest high-performance electric breast pump, offering mothers all the benefits of poweful double electric pumping. Very portable and lightweight, the small pump fits in the palm of your hand and comes with a long-lasting rechargeable battery or can be used with mains power. Designed with 2-Phase Expression technology for maximum milk flow – a dual pumping pattern that comes closer than ever to the way a baby naturally breastfeeds. The first phase, called the stimulation phase, mimics a baby’s initial rapid, shallow sucking that encourages fast let-down. The second phase, the expression phase, simulates a baby’s more relaxed, deeper sucking that promotes efficient milk removal.
•High performance electric breast pump for daily or frequent use
•Double pumping, with the option of single pumping
•More milk in less time with 2-Phase Expression technology
•Award winning design
•Ideal for mums who are working or need to express regularly
•World's smallest pump motor - weighs less than 500g
•LCD screen, digital display: lit screen provides a digital display that can also be used as a nightlight for those late pumping sessions
•Electric or battery powered (rechargable battery has 3 hours of pumping power)
•Small, lightweight and portable
•Easy to use, clean and assemble
•For home use and on the go
•Includes two breastshields
•Includes pump carry bag, insulated cooler bag and additional bottles
•All parts that come into contact with breast milk are BPA Free

Stimulation/Let-Down Phase

•Rapid milk ejection reflex
•Research-proven fixed cycles per minute
•Individually adjustable vacuum for comfort

Expression Phase
•Comfort Flow Zone™ for maximum comfort and efficiency—gentle to the breast tissue.
•Adjustable preset combination of vacuum and cycles per minute.
•Supports milk production

Express milk quietly and discreetly with the Swing Electric breast pump. The pump can be used easily and switches automatically from stimulation to the expression phase. The Swing combines a multi-award-winning design with the latest technology. The electric breast pump is very quiet and therefore represents the ideal solution for regular and discreet breast pumping.

Efficient: Pump more milk in less time, thanks to our 2-Phase Expression Technology
•Unique: Ideal for daily electric pumping
•Comfortable: A range of vacuum levels and settings
•Easy to use: Easy to assemble, use and clean
•Convenient: Quiet and compact design, ideal for discreet pumping

Perfect for mothers working full time as well as those who just want a fast and easy pumping experience, the Purely Yours Ultra gives the flexibility, convenience, and sophisticated styling you deserve.

•CustomControl™ - Dual suction and speed adjustability allows mums to choose from a total of 32 combinations - for the best comfort and milk flow every time
•Proven Airlock Protection™ means our diaphragm barrier keeps the air from your pump from coming in contact with your milk. You don’t have to clean the narrow tubing, and your milk stays purely yours
•CustomFit Flange System™ - The Purely Yours Ultra includes three of the most commonly needed flange sizes for a good fit at your very first pumping and later as your body changes. Four other flanges sizes are also available separately
•3 Power Sources - AC adapter, 6 AA batteries, car adapter
•Lightweight and portable - Motor weighs less than half a kilo.

Great for mums who need to pump occasionally to medium frequency. Such as expressing once or twice per day. Or when mum is working part-time. Also to help increase milk supply, or to relieve breast engorgement or infection.

The Mini Electric Plus is a quicker way to express milk than a single pump.
•Fully automatic double pump
•Provides the convenience of double pumping
•Full range adjustable vacuum
•Gentle and efficient expression
•Use as single or double with both breasts to save time
•Electric or battery use

The Medela Harmony breast pump is ideal for mothers who only express milk occasionally and do not want to miss the usual feel of breastfeeding their baby.

Recommended for occasional infrequent use. Such as an evening away from your baby or missed feeding (such as once or twice a week).

Features 2-Phase Expression pumping that mimics baby's nursing rhythm. It pumps in two distinct modes: Stimulation & Expression which help to make expressing your milk a quick process.

With the specially designed handle, you start off doing short fast expressions which stimulates the milk let down, just like how a baby sucks. Then when you feel milk letdown and it starts to spray in the bottle, you turn the handle around and the pump goes into a longer slower motion.
Designed for faster "let-down" and milk flow
Ergonomic swivel handle for easy pumping

Prices and terms and conditions will be added to a tab later in the week

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Why I include a Moby Wrap in my package

I cannot speak highly enough of  babywearing at first I was sceptical but was very quickly converted even when wearing my twins.
My favourite carrier HAS to be the Moby Wrap hands down, no doubt about it!
So I am including it in some of the postnatal packages and most likely the birth packages soon too.

Here is the best way to carry your newborn:

What I also LOVE about the moby is how easy it is to breastfeed with one, I absolutely love this video it demonstrates 2 ways to feed in the wrap and like myself she is a twin mummy:

Even  dad can get involved too!

I will have a range of colours available and a choice between the classic, moderns, UV and organics.

Babies who are carried regularly cried 43% less overall; 54% less during the evening hours
The calming environment of babywearing can decrease the risks of postnatal depression
Babies carried in an upright position develop less colic
Leave the pram and home and navigate the shops easier
Babywearing lowers and balances stress hormones in both mother and baby

There are SO many more reasons to babywear why not get a FREE carrier when you sign up for a postnatal package through A Rainbow Doula

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

We have joined forces

To bring you the very best in Post Natal care A Rainbow Doula has teamed up with Mummies Little Helper to bring you cleaning packages so you can enjoy and adjust to having a new baby in the house whilst not having to worry about housework. Please take a look at Narelle's facebook page and take advantage of her wonderful service or even better check out our packages and get more for your money!